Training & Development

We Are Your Training and Development Partners

Join the thousands of happy clients who have experienced First Sun EAP’s effective and engaging leadership training over the past quarter-century. We know leadership and that each organization’s needs are different. So, whether you need on-site, online or on-demand training, you can access various topics from experienced and entertaining trainers.


What’s Important Now: WIN Session

Virtual leadership sessions elevate leaders and those who strive to lead with free education on trending and top-of-mind topics to boost their management skills. Check back to register for upcoming WIN sessions.

Upcoming WIN Sessions

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Training + Coaching
Are you in charge of enhancing the leadership training for your managers? Or are you a new leader looking for ways to reinforce what you’ve learned in training? Learn about the power and potential of coaching and how to pair it effectively with leadership skill-building.

Past WIN Sessions (Select the title to view the recording.)

Employee Recognition for the Win
Do your employees feel recognized, appreciated, and valued? If you are unsure, you could be missing a key factor for workplace success.
Climbing the Leadership Ladder
Understanding the leadership ladder is essential for professional and organizational growth. This WIN session will explore the first rung on the leadership ladder: SelfLeadership.
Burnout: A Leaders Toolkit
Explore solutions leaders can use to manage burnout in the workplace. Transform you and your employees from burning out to burning bright.


Successful organizations budget for their employees’ personal and professional development because they see the results in employee loyalty, productivity and engagement.

At First Sun, we take a strategic approach to our training. They are designed to target your company’s development goals. Each training is presented by a dynamic speaker who educates employees and helps them apply what they learn.

Our team of professionals is ready to help you schedule your training. Submit your request for a training or call to receive a free consultation with an organizational consultant who will direct you to the solution that best fits your needs and budget.


Protect your employees and your organization with affordable online compliance training. We offer interactive, customized training that engages employees so they don’t just watch it; they experience it.

Most requested courses: Preventing Harassment, HIPAA, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

DE&I Live and On-demand Training

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Be known as an organization with an inclusive culture. We cover training for employees and coaching for leaders. We also offer strategic planning to put your DE&I initiatives into action. Read about the link between DE&I and EAP.


First Sun supports the adage that learning is a life-long process. It leads to great results for the individual and the company. As a result, we make continuous learning easily available online and in person. Additionally, we provide free and affordable training solutions like:

The Well-being Center — Provides all employees with a wide range of personal and professional training topics they can select in various learning formats.

First Sun EAP Events — Held multiple times throughout the year, you won’t want to miss our free events. They address trending topics affecting the workplace and are a great opportunity for leading-edge education, networking, and fun. Join us at our next event!